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Visit Us

The arboretum is open by appointment only Monday through Friday from 9am-3pm excluding Major holidays. Please give us a call to set up an appointment, 617-333-0924. We look forward to hearing from you.

The Mary May Binney Wakefield Arboretum includes over 22 acres of formal gardens, orchards, woodlands and wetlands, and during the month of June over 300 flowering kousa dogwood trees showcased during Dogwood Days. Suggested donation is $5. We hope to see you soon!

We hope to see you soon! If you'd like to print out our beautiful Pocket Guide, with a map and great information about the history of the property and it special features, click here. This guide was formatted to print on 8 1/2 x 11. For a full size guide, pick one up in the map kiosk.

(The guide was created by Maggie Redfern, graduate of the Landscape Institute, as part of a report entitled, "Maryfield: A Preservation Plan for the Mary M. B. Wakefield Estate." The report was the final product of her 2011-12 independent studio of the Landscape Institute of the Boston Architectural College and can be read in its entirety at the Arnold Arboretum Library.)

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