Wakefield Charitable Trust Calendar Of Events
- Title:
- Plein Air Painting
- When:
- Jun.02.2012 - Jun.03.2012 10.00.am - 3.00.pm
- Category:
- Calendar Of Events & Programs
Seeking Plein Air Painters
At this year's Dogwood Days, we will have something extra-special: Plein Air Painting. Set up your easel and let the inspiration of one womanʼs dream become the subject of your nextgreat work of art. During Dogwood Days, the historic Wakefield Estate will be open to the public boasting hundreds of blooming dogwood trees amid the landscape designed, created, and nurtured by Polly Wakefield. The grounds will be open to artists while visitors explore the grounds and tour the main house.Paint morning, afternoon, or all day for a $5 donation.Reservations required. Limited to the first 25 artists per day. For more information or to register, call 617-333-0924 or email
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