Wakefield Charitable Trust Calendar Of Events
- Title:
- Dogwood Days and Open House!
- When:
- Jun.02.2012 - Jun.03.2012 10.00.am - 3.00.pm
- Category:
- Calendar Of Events & Programs
Join us for a stroll about the estate during our annual celebration of Polly Wakefield's amazing kousa dogwoods in bloom! This year Dogwood Days will feature a guided tour of the formal gardens each day at 11:00am, a guided tour of the Isaac Davenport mansion on Saturday, June 2 at 1:00pm, the opportunity to observe plein air artists capturing the blooming dogwoods on canvas, and the chance to purchase a kousa dogwood sapling for your home. New at this year’s Dogwood Days will also be a hands-on opportunity to learn how to create a Herbarium, the proper collecting method to document and prepare botanical specimens of the kousa dogwoods. Families are welcome and can try their hand at making “sunprints” or visit with the estate’s sheep, llamas and chickens. For more information call 617-333-0924.