Wakefield Charitable Trust Calendar Of Events
- Title:
- February Stone Soup: A presentation and discussion about The Nature of Oaks
- When:
- Feb.08.2022 6.30.pm
- Category:
- Calendar Of Events & Programs
Join us for a lively book discussion of The Nature of Oaks.
In our recent issue of Dogwood Lane Quarterly, we introduced a new opportunity to deepen your knowledge and connection to the wider natural world. Each quarter we will recommend a book and host a live discussion to share insights and perspectives. This quarter, we invite you to read Nature of Oaks, The Rich Ecology of our Most Essential Native Trees By Doug Tallamy. The zoom presentation exploring this book about this mighty and magnificent tree will take place Tuesday, February 8. To receive the zoom link for this session, register here.
If you missed the fall edition of our quarterly journal, you can access it and all previous editions by clicking here.