
Wakefield Charitable Trust Calendar Of Events


Sep.17.2017 -
Calendar Of Events & Programs


Join us for Open Hours from 1:00-4:00 pm on Sunday, September 17th. If you prefer to visit at another time, here are the guidelines:


The Wakefield Estate -- which includes over 22 acres of formal gardens, orchards, woodlands and wetlands -- is a beautiful place for a informal stroll or guided tour.

The estate welcomes visitors to tour the property. The estate is open to visitors Monday-Friday (except holidays), 10 am-3 pm for self-guided tours of the arboretum and gardens. Suggested donation is $5. Generally speaking, the estate is closed on weekends and other times, except during programs or "open hours", but "by appointment" visits can be arranged by calling 617-333-0924 x22.


The Wakefield Estate is located at 1465 Brush Hill Road in Milton, MA. We hope to see you soon! If you'd like to print out our beautiful Pocket Guide, with a map and great information about the history of the property and it special features, click here. This guide was formatted to print on 8 1/2 x 11. For a full size guide, please visit the Wakefield Estate and pick on up in in the map kiosk.

(The guide was created by Maggie Redfern, graduate of the Landscape Institute, as part of a report entitled, "Maryfield: A Preservation Plan for the Mary M. B. Wakefield Estate." The report was the final product of her 2011-12 independent studio of the Landscape Institute of the Boston Architectural College and can be read in its entirety at the Arnold Arboretum Library.)

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