Wakefield Charitable Trust Calendar Of Events
- Title:
- Spring Shearing Day
- When:
- May.12.2012 10.00.am - 12.00.pm
- Category:
- Calendar Of Events & Programs
With the arrival of spring, it is time for the estate's three sheep to be sheared for the first time. Maisey, Daisey and Binney are now one year and have a heavy coat of fleece. We've invited Kevin Ford, America's foremost "blade" (hand) sheepshearer to shear the three small Shetland ewes, demonstrating traditional techniques rather than using more modern razors. He has made his living at sheepshearing for over 20 years, and conducts many workshops and public demonstrations. During the 90s, Polly Wakefield kept twenty-five Dorset sheep here the property. We were surprised to discover that it was none other than Kevin who sheared Polly's sheep each spring!
During your visit we hope you will check in on 10 new chicks in the hen house and visit Jack the llama, who will also be sheared that day. There will be a demonstration of the steps it takes to go from fleece to yarn and participants will have an opportunity make their own drop spindle and learn to hand-spin lamb fleece into wool.