
Wakefield Charitable Trust Calendar Of Events


Create a Backyard Compact Orchard
Mar.26.2022 -
Calendar Of Events & Programs


Create a Backyard Compact Orchard - Saturday, March 26, 9:00 - 10:30 am
Learn how to design and install a compact apple orchard in your backyard. Even with a small yard, you can enjoy fruit from your own trees with minimal effort and cost. This year's compact orchard workshop will be conducted entirely outdoors. Following a presentation covering all the steps needed to design and install a backyard-scale orchard, including the materials needed and costs, we will tour our own 40-tree system for a close-up look. Space is limited and pre-registration is required. $20/$12 members. Register here or by calling 617-333-0924 x22 or email us at  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .
Subject to cancellation due to weather or COVID complications; see or our Facebook page for any last-minute changes. For more information, call 617-333-0924 x 22.

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