Wakefield Charitable Trust Calendar Of Events
- Title:
- Plant Pest and Pathogen Update for Gardeners and Nature Lovers
- When:
- Mar.03.2022 6.30.pm - 7.00.pm
- Category:
- Calendar Of Events & Programs
Join us Wednesday, March 3rd via zoom for an informative session about new plant pests and pathogens impacting New England gardeners and nature enthusiasts.
Arboretum director Deb Merriam will do a brief presentation and discussion of several new invasive species that are beginning to show up in New England. This talk will help participants identify these problematic species, contact the proper government agencies that are tracking these species and learn what can be done to limit their impact on our native plants.Registration is required via this link to receive the zoom link for this session. For more information, call 617-333-0924 x22.