Wakefield Charitable Trust Calendar Of Events
- Title:
- Winterfire 2022
- When:
- Jan.08.2022 5.00.pm - 7.00.pm
- Category:
- Calendar Of Events & Programs
On Saturday eve, January 8th, the arboretum will host its annual “Winterfire” event from 5:00 pm-7:00 pm. Winterfire combines lightscape with landscape to highlight several of the estate's signature trees and garden features against a deep mid-winter sky, and features a warm fire in the Front Garden to warm yourself with some hot chocolate. So bundle up and come out to enjoy a refreshing visit to the arboretum and a visit with some of the animals. Events are subject to cancellation due to weather and/or COVID complications; see www.wakefieldtrust.org or the Facebook page for any last-minute changes.
For more information, call 617-333-0924. Dress warmly and bring a friend! While this event is free, donations are appreciated.