Wakefield Charitable Trust Calendar Of Events
- Title:
- Fall Foliage Family Fun Days
- When:
- Nov.07.2021 10.00.am - 3.00.pm
- Category:
- Calendar Of Events & Programs
Enjoy nature's autumn display while enjoying a leisurely socially distanced visit and/or DIYpicnic during this year's Fall Foliage Fun Days Saturday, November 6 and Sunday, November 7 from 10 am- 3pm. We'll have fun fall-focused activities for all ages including a return of our popular "make-it station," scavenger hunts, seed and leaf collecting, phenology walks, mandela making, leaf-rubbing, visits with the Wakefield animals, and more.
Registration not required but appreciated at this link or by calling 617-333-0924 x22. Suggested donation $5-$10 per adult.
The Wakefield Arboretum is located at 1465 Brush Hill Road in Milton.