Wakefield Charitable Trust Calendar Of Events
- Title:
- Celebrate Arbor Day at our Arboretum
- When:
- Apr.30.2021 - May.01.2021 10.00.am - 3.00.pm
- Category:
- Calendar Of Events & Programs
Celebrate Arbor Day strolling at our Arboretum and in our woods. During these past months, we've seen how valuable it is for individuals and families to have opportunities to get outdoors in nature. While we still have to require masks and social distancing and limit attendance, we invite you to celebrate with a scheduled visit to the arboretum on April 30th or May 1st, 10 am-3:00 pm (rain date - May 2nd). Visitors will have the opportunity to take self-guided walks and visit with some of the animals. Activities will be outdoors; dress appropriately. Registration is required via this link; space is limited. For more information, call 617-333-0924 x22.