
Wakefield Charitable Trust Calendar Of Events


March Stone Soup: The Nature and Evolution of our Programs
Mar.31.2021 -
Calendar Of Events & Programs


For this winter's Stone Soup Speakers Series, we have been focusing inward to reacquaint our followers with the history, landscape, and program vision that led to our renaming this past year as the Mary May Binney Wakefield Arboretum. Through storytelling and photos, we hope to engage participants in a conversation that increases people's understanding and attachment to this beautiful and unique cultural landscape nestled in the Blue Hills. The Stone Soup Speakers Series is normally a convivial gathering around homemade soup, but this year will be conducted virtually via Zoom.
The last session of the series, scheduled for Wednesday, March 31, will examine the evolution of our educational programs and how they have been informed by Polly Wakefield's own experiences as a naturalist and botanist. Program Director Erica Max will trace the roots of our outdoor environmental education programs to some of Polly's early writings.
Erica will discuss the challenges and opportunities of virtual programming as we have had to adapt our programmatic vision this past year during the COVID-19 pandemic. She'll also provide an intriguing glimpse at how other pandemics have contributed to outdoor education.
Please note: If you missed either of the two previous 2021 Stone Soup and Speaker events, they can be viewed at Milton Access Television video on demand link.

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