
Wakefield Charitable Trust Calendar Of Events


Wreath Making Kits Offered for DIY Holiday Wreath Session
Dec.05.2020 -
Calendar Of Events & Programs


Optional online Zoom session for instruction at 5:00 pm on December 5th.
Don't let the pandemic keep you from enjoying your favorite holiday traditions!
Due to ongoing public health concerns, people wishing to participate in the popular wreath-making workshop held each year at the Mary May Binney Wakefield Arboretum will pick up all the supplies they need to make their holiday wreaths at home. A zoom session will be held Saturday, December 5 at 5:00 pm providing a short demonstration on how to make a wreath base, followed by a segment by floral designer extraordinaire Lisa Ahern on how to embellish the base and turn it into a custom-made show stopper! Attendance at the zoom session is optional. The DIY wreath kit will contain all you need to make a custom-made show stopper for your holiday decor, including a metal wreath frame, fresh, locally-sourced evergreens and natural botanical flourishes and ribbons.  Wreath kits will be available for pick-up Wednesday, December 2 through Friday, December 4 between 9am and 3pm daily, or call to make special arrangements.  Supplies are limited; pre-registration is required by calling 617-333-0924 x22 or via this link. The wreath kits are $40; $35 for members.  The Mary May Binney Wakefield Arboretum is located at 1465 Brush Hill Road in Milton.
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