
Wakefield Charitable Trust Calendar Of Events


2015 Stone Soup Series: Great Trees of the Estate - Portrait of the White Pine
Feb.05.2015 -
Isaac Davenport Mansion -
Calendar Of Events & Programs


1/29 Update: ALERT! Tonight's Stone Soup POSTPONED until 2/5! Due to poor road conditions, we have postponed this session one week. For more information, please call us at 617-333-0924 x22.

This month we kick-off our 2015 Stone Soup and Speakers Series, held in the early evening from 5:30 until 7:00 pm on the final Thursday of each month. These warm and casual programs begin with a bowl of tasty home-made soup, followed by a short presentation by a featured speaker.

The theme for this year's series offers "portraits" of great trees at the Wakefield Estate. During our series, arboriculture experts, including two of our staff, will offer portraits of five of the many special trees at the estate including exciting anecdotes about plant hunters and some of the rich botanical history that is as stunning the tree's presence as a specimen in our arboretum. January's fascinating topic is the White Pine, a species that figures prominently in the early history of our nation, and more recently, provided the basis for a boom in dwarf conifers due to its "witches brooms.".

While the program is free, but RSVPs are appreciated, and donations welcome.

The schedule for the rest of the Stone Soup and Speaker Series is:

February 26: Apple, Malus species

March 26: Dawn Redwood, Metasequoia

April 30: Dove or Hankerchief Tree, Davidia Involucrata

May 28: Chinese Dogwood, Cornus Kousa



Isaac Davenport Mansion
Isaac Davenport Mansion
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